
Mad America

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  • Author : Matt & Enrico Channeling   
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Affter The live channeling whic i did online just  a few days ago some one asked a queston abotu usa, when it will end? I didnt knew exactly what is he asking about but the info comed about some riots or protests, and the info was that it is a organized protest. And organized protests doesnt lead to anything good..

Just a few days latter i saw news that USA has huge protests, with riots, madness, etc. I was wathcing the news and while i was watching the only words i could describe was madness. But its not about the violence nor the agresson of or against the protests its the energy it self. People even politicians are mad, police are mad. I remember maybe 1 month ago when a dead law enforcment comed to channeling he was sharing his life to us. I felt and remember couple of words what he told..

- There is no peace in the world.
- To live in here you have to be like a rat. Other wise the rats will take from you.

Meaning that he lived in a law enforcment or attorney eviroment where there was lots of stress always. This that, and people or other companies always try to take more where the law allows it to or gives possibilieties to it.

So... People rioting on streets its just a end result of overal situation... President is mad, filled with stress, people working for police are filled with stress, wether they feel it or not, they are agerssive. Tensions in such a enviroment are very high.

Propoganda U.S U.S U.s U.s is very high as if people or propoganda is agersivly pushing in more and more info, creating and causing more and more stress. People dont do things reacting from inner peace but things that react from the alryead tensed and stressed life.

The families that rule the politics or what or how they are to me felt like animals, that dont care much but just do more and more stress that they can.

So overall experience was Mad mad America. When i was young  i never knew anything about US. BUt i just had this idea o feeling that i dont want to be there. Maybe some past life trauma from there but any way! I hope things turn out positive there and wish you luck in U.S. but from this experience i think there are lot of people with anger, and uncontroled emotions and stress driven....

Definetly it differs from state to state but affter watching the news i went out side, it was evening in the nature, birds singing, no wind, beautifull sun set. And complete peace, i thought to my self.. Where was i the last 30 min? in a complete madness i was just watching the TV.

Then again.. What kind of persident says to his citizents that i will use army against you! :D Cheerrs! and wish the best that can happen!

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