Skaists un jauks stāsts no Valijas puses. Kosmiskā Valija tā es labāk saprotu sīs gleznas un mākslu. Valiju fb var atras..
Šis opuss ir čomiem tur augšā, kas ar rēcīgu interesi ir vadājuši pa visadiem dzīves ceļiem, kā sme..
Atceros reizi kad Enrico sāka mētāt man story par cipariem,Un tad arī atnāca šāds smieklīgs interesants stāts par..
Sveiciens visiem!Forums ir atkal publisks mājas lapā un cik nu izdevās atjaunot visu vēsturi.Augšejā galvenajā sa..
Neliels apdeits, zeme ir lai arī tas jautri nāca...Video pašu zemi var nedaudz labāk redzēt.
Bet nu bus ka bus Bloke cik gribi
Here in this video i will share a method how you can activate your third, eye and receive information from other places...
This video is the absolute first video where i will explain the Body mind and energy transformations what can go on when..
This meditation is the first step that has to be done in order to start any spiritual practice.This meditation will help..
This video is simple video, a guided meditation in which you can start feeling your chi in your hands and a little bit a..
This video is just intreduction in how you can guide feel and move your chi. The basics of chi is breathing and concentr..
This is Enrico Channeling school first level, first lesson into channeling. Video lenght : Aprox. 30 min.Tematic about ..